Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Six hundred million years ago Pangaea created a robot named Bacchushund who turned on his creators. The King Ranger defeated Bacchushund and banished him from Earth. In the year 1999 Bacchushund returned to Earth as the ruler of the Baranoia Empire with the intention of wiping out all human life and bring about machine rule. Chief Counsellor Miura revived super energies that had been born of...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Comedy Drama, Asian Crime Drama, Asian Investigation Drama
Toyama Kinshiro is a 36-year-old newly-appointed police chief at Kitamachi Police Station who firmly believes his mission as a policeman is to listen to every voice of innocent citizens and protect the peace in the community. He comes off as aloof and a bit quirky at first but in fact he has brilliant investigative instincts and spots clues that no one else can detect. Unlike his elite career...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Sci-Fi Drama, Asian Tokusatsu Drama
Some 400000000 years after an advanced human civilization was destroyed by aliens 12 direct descendants of the civilizations warriors called Sazers have their powers awakened and form four tribes: Flame Wind Earth and Water. Each Sazer is based on a Zodiac sign represented in an animal totem or spirit representation. At first they wage war on each other but after learning the truth of...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Comedy Drama, Asian Romance Drama
The Empress is in her early 30s but she is still not married. Since the 1st successor to the throne died the royal family is in search for a new successor. Incidentally they come to know of a young man who was in fact a son of the prince to a woman who left the Palace for her to be able to keep her pregnancy a secret. The young mans name was Lee Hoo more commonly known to his friends as...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Comedy Drama, Asian Drama, Asian Manga Drama, Asian Music Drama, Asian Romance Drama
Cha Yoo Jin is a third year student in a school of music majoring in piano and dreaming of becoming a world renowned conductor. He seems to be perfect with his good looks natural born musical talent and his father who is a world renowned pianist. He is unable to travel to Europe due to a childhood trauma which gave him a fear of flying. Meanwhile Seol Nae Il meaning: Seol Tomorrow is a free...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Fantasy Drama, Asian Historical Drama, Asian Tragedy Drama
Princess Jeongmyeong sister of Seonjo’s late-born legitimate heir Grand Prince Yeongchang. He’s only two years old at the time when Seonjo has to pass the regency to one of his heirs knowing that he’s about to die and thus the throne ultimately goes to Gwanghae. The political factions are split amongst the heirs and after failing in an attempt to usurp Gwanghae with his older brother...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Drama, Asian Family Drama
Hoshino Mitsuko is the talented three-star chef of famous French restaurant La Cuisine de La reine in Ginza Tokyo. She has drawn attention not just from Japan but also the world for the new recipes she continuously conceives with her delicate palate and unrivalled creativity. Gourmands around the world visit the restaurant for her cuisine and there is a three-year wait for reservations....
Country: South Korea
Genre: Asian Drama, Asian Romance Drama
Kates father stole money from Sakes company and when he finds out he starts looking for Kates father. However Kates father runs away. When they find him he has to go to the hospital because of a heart condition. There he decides to sell Kate to Sake to pay off his debts and because he knew Sakes family wanted an heir and would take care of Kate. Sake gradually begins to fall in love with...