The absurd mystery comedy centers around Harumi Kazuhito, a high school boy who is obsessed with reading books. One day, he is killed in the middle of a robbery and resurrected as a dachshund dog. Unable to read in his new form, the hapless Kazuhito now belongs to Natsuno Kirihime, a sadistic girl who uses scissors like a weapon.Country: South Korea
Genre: Musical
Ko Eun-Bi Ku Hye-Sun is a medical student but she dreams of becoming a musical actress. She thinks about musicals all day and even dreams about musicals at night. Hong Jae-Hee Daniel Choi comes back to South Korea. He used to compose songs for musicals but now writes pop songs. His friend says that Jae-Hee changed because of his break-up with Bae Kang-Hee Ok Joo-Hyun 6 years ago. One day...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama ; Romance
Sad Sonata is a love story about two men and one woman. The young Joon-young Kwon Sang Woo who was raised by his mother who sold liquor to American soldiers met the blind Hae-in Kim Hee Sun and they became childhood sweethearts. Then Hae-in immigrated to the U.S. following her aunt and her uncle American soldier that married her aunt. There she met Gun-woo Yeon Jung Hoon who was...
Country: South Korea
This show will tell you how to overcome various crises one can face in life! Not only does it cover crises that come with natural disasters but it also covers how to prevent and overcome day to day crises. Safety First! will turn everyone into a safety...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery
Sakata Sadato Kamikawa Takaya who has his law practice in Tokyo was a public prosecutor until 12 years ago. He resigned from his job at the District Public Prosecutors’ Office in order to carry out his own “justice”. His justice is to “let crimes be judged properly”. He specialises in criminal cases and has a reputation as a man of ability. One day Sakata accepts a sudden and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Shinonome Jinpachi has returned to the Kyoto Prefectural Police’s First Investigative Division as a specially commissioned detective. Meanwhile Natsuki Asako a team leader has just been assigned to the division. Shinonome and Asako solve the same cases with completely different investigation methods. Shinonome has many information sources that he cultivated through his years of...
Genre: Action ; Drama
High school student Hoshi Izumi Nagasawa Masami loses her father suddenly in an accident. One day Sakuma Tsutsumi Shinichi the waka gashira of a small and weak Yakuza gang in Asakusa – the Medaka Gumi – pays Izumi a visit along with the gang members. The death of their former kumicho Boss puts Medaka Gumi on the verge of a breakup. Therefore Sakuma begs Izumi the former bosss only...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Based upon the novel of the same name by prolific author Jiro Akagawa Sailor Suit and Machine Gun tells the story of Hoshi Izumi - Koizumi to her friends - Hiroko Yakushimaru - a young schoolgirl whose father has recently passed away. Soon after the death of Hoshi Takashi she receives a letter from him stating that he’d like his mistress Mayumi Yuki Kazamatsuri to stay and befriend her....
Country: Japan
Zombie vs High School GirlsIts been 2 months since zombies entered the world. In one girls high school high school girls who survived the zombies live a surprisingly normal school life even in desperate situations.Even while being followed by a variety of accidents Inui Maiko was greeted as a transfer student. She began and deepen friendships with Hyaku & Mutsumi and gradually grew...