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Country: United States
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Fantasy
Within the course of one hour 5 stories are shown. None of these stories have any logical explanation and some of them actually occurred. You are left to decide which of these stories if...
Genre: Animation, Japanese
Experiencing a long streak of poor performances for several years in the Japanese professional football league the East Tokyo United ETU hires Takeshi Tatsumi as manager to try to break the curse that seems to have fallen over the team. Having spent three years in England Tatsumi managed to take an amateur team to the top 32 teams of the FA Cup. Many consider him a bad choice and protest...
Genre: Action, Animation, Drama, Horror
In the night of Tokyo mysterious deaths involving the Reborn Dead occur. Mysterious transfer student Tatsuma Hiyuu and delinquent student Kyouichi Houraiji fight these undead every night. They along with the rest of their group soon realize that a greater threat that involves even more powerful demons is...
Genre: Action, Animation, Drama, Horror
In the night of Tokyo mysterious deaths involving the Reborn Dead occur. Mysterious transfer student Tatsuma Hiyuu and delinquent student Kyouichi Houraiji fight these undead every night. They along with the rest of their group soon realize that a greater threat that involves even more powerful demons is...
Country: United States, France
Genre: Animation, Family, Comedy
Scruffy Alley cat rules his neighborhood. Rejected monsters drive about doing odd jobs. Clumsy lovable great dane gets into mischief without meaning...
Country: United States, France
Genre: Animation, Family, Comedy
Scruffy Alley cat rules his neighborhood. Rejected monsters drive about doing odd jobs. Clumsy lovable great dane gets into mischief without meaning...
Genre: Action, Animation, Romance
In an alternate history of the Meiji era where humans and magical beings known as younin live side by side half-younin girls team up with army lieutenants to fight younin...
Genre: Animation, Japanese
Several years after the end of a war the city of Toshima has fallen into decay and been taken over by the crime syndicate Viscio. There the head of the syndicate Il Rey has convened the battle game Igura. Meanwhile Akira falsely accused of a crime has made a deal to earn his pardon: go to Toshima defeat Il Rey and destroy the...