Country: Japan
Genre: Drama ; political
In this world there exists a police force that goes unnoticed hidden deep within the city and never revealing themselves. Established after the September 11 attacks this elite division known as Ura is tasked with combating threats of international terrorism and espionage. Sumimoto Kenji leads this team in a war of secret intelligence deception and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
This sequel to the movie Amalfi brings back Kuroda Kousaku a diplomat who works at the Japanese anti-terrorism office. His new partner is Ogaki Rikako a somewhat unreliable detective who loves onsen. The setting includes San Francisco Mexico and Japan and the story also reveals Kurodas...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy ; School
Fukada plays Mai Aida a woman in her third year as an english teacher at a private all-girls high school. Due to declining enrollment the school decides to admit its first male students. Those five freshmen initially feel theyre in paradise but the concerned Mai tries to help them adjust by creating a social dance club and inviting five girls. Those ten students become the focus of the drama...
Country: South Korea
Genre: crime ; melodrama ; mystery
20 years ago Moo-Yeom’s Yoon Sang-Hyun father was a suspect in the Gap Dong” serial murder case. Because of the detectives’ oppressive investigation Moo-Yeom’s father killed himself. Now Moo-Yeom is a detective and works to capture the killer Gap Dong. The statue of limitations has expired for the serial murder case and Moo-Yeom resigns to the belief that Gap Dong is...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy ; Romance
This second season of Hana Yori Dango picks up right after Domyoji leaves for New York. After confessing to Domyoji Makino has not spoken to him for a year. Rui and the other members of F4 try and help Makino meet Domyoji again by going to New York for the christmas holidays. Though F4 and Makino meet Domyoji again he has become a completely different person and so they leave for Japan. Some...
Country: Japan
Genre: suspense
Every day bank branches encounter various problems like missing money information leaks loan problems & breach of duties. Mai Hanasakis Anne Watanabe job is to go there and fix the problems. She is able to do so even though she is just a bank clerk without higher level powers. Because of her character Mai Hanasaki will not keep still when she sees a wrong. Shes willing to...
Genre: Comedy ; Thriller
One day sergeant Yip takes a strange statement from a man who was caught peeping at ladies room. The suspect claims some women plan to kill all men and he was spying on them to collect the evidence. Later the statement disappears mysteriously and when Yip tries to take another one the suspect tells him altogether different thing. Yip gets intrigued and tries to sort this case...