Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Magic, Mecha, Romance, Shoujo
Plot Summary: Three young girls Hikaru Umi and Fuu are transported to a magical world called Cephiro during a field trip to Tokyo Tower. They are soon greeted by Master Mage Clef who explains to them that they have been summoned to become the Legendary Magic Knights and save Cephiro. The girls are less than enthusiastic about this idea and only want to return home. Clef further explains...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Supernatural
Koto and her brothers A and Un are stuck in a strange city causing massive mayhem through the land called Kyoto but not the Kyoto they are from. They are searching for an atypical rabbit in order to return home. Koto who is the eldest of the three seems to have some sort of connection to this weird place ruled by a monk a demon and a...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, School
Plot Summary: Following the line of the precedent OVAs of the same name This anime goes around the normal lifes of some elementary school 5th grade 2nd class room kids and their adventures while turning to teens. Their games stupid jokes and the misunderstadings around their premature attraction to the opposite sex. Ryota Satou is the main character here but his friends are almost as...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Shounen
Arsene Lupin III is the grandson of the master thief Arsene Lupin. With his cohorts Daisuke Jigen and Goemon Ishikawa XIII and his love interest Fujiko Mine he pulls off the greatest heists of all time while always escaping the grasp of Inspector Koichi...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, Magic, Parody, Vampire
Four Netherworld Princesses have come to the human world; witch Uma vampiress Pachira werewolf Liru and android Aiko. But they know nothing about human life and their mistakes make up their daily adventures. Meanwhile the evil Dr. K-ko wants proof of the supernatural to gain admittance into the scientific elite and what better than one or all of the princesses — if her plans didn’t have...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi
In a forgotten town known as the old capital of Tokyo strange and mysterious crimes are progressively occuring. These supernatural occurances are beyond comprehension and bring fear and terror to the people. Only one person is not intimidated by the evil underlying these occurances and is willing to challenge them: Hyuga Mayuki a young boy detective who holds a special insight power that allows...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Magic, Romance, Shoujo
As the mermaid princess of the North Pacific one of the seven mermaid kingdoms Luchia entrusts a magical pearl to a boy who falls overboard a ship one night. Luchia must travel to the human world to reclaim her pearl and protect the mermaid kingdoms. Using the power of music Luchia is able to protect herself and the mermaid kingdoms from a growing evil...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Supernatural
Plot Summary: High school student Himiko Himejima finds her life change forever when a mysterious flame appears before her one day. Along with her schoolmate Kutani Masahiko Himiko is transported by the flame to an ancient kingdom known as Yamatai. The Yamatai kingdom has recently come under the attack of the Kune empire during its ritual to select a queen among six candidates. As the evil...