Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Thriller
A group of actors gather in a remote Northeastern town to rehearse for a mysterious stage production only to be plunged into a hellish world where their real lives mirror the grisly story of the play. John ROBERT ENGLUND a notorious horror movie icon who has fallen from grace witnesses the murder of a cast member but when he alerts the group no one believes him and the harder he pushes to...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Find Me tells the story of newlyweds Emily and Tim as they settle into a small farm house in Emilys childhood hometown. Before the boxes can even be unpacked the couple realizes that there are strange occurrences happening in the house that were not disclosed by the real estate agent. At first more curious than scared Tim Emily and Emilys childhood friend Claire embark on finding out who or...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror
When a group of friends come across an abandoned house in the barren desert what follows is a terrifying tale of evil possession causing the friends to slowly turn against each...
Genre: Animation, Comedy
Veggie pals Laura Carrot and Junior Asparagus have a big job to their beloved Celery Park from being destroyed! All hope of saving the park seems lost until the group remembers that God forgives without question so why cant they do the same? Will the band reunite to save Celery Park? Find out in this groovy music-filled VeggieTales...
Country: United States
Genre: Drama
Barely being able to make ends meet and doing everything he can possibly do to cover his ill sons growing medical bills Hector Chavez turns to his fighting roots in the underbelly of LA. His amateur Mixed Martial Arts videos go viral grabbing the attention of the worlds top MMA federation. Hector is then given a dream come true opportunity to go up against the MMA World Champion; a vicious...
Genre: Animation, Comedy
Embark on an adventure like no other with a very special knight who must save the magical kingdom where he lives by redeeming his knightly...
Country: United States
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Heavenly Sword is a dramatic tale of revenge that sees Nariko Anna Torv a fiery red-haired heroine embark on a quest for vengeance against the invading King Bohan Alfred Molina and his army. Once considered the failure of a legendary prophecy Nariko must wield a sword that was ultimately meant for another. This ancient Heavenly Sword once belonging to a powerful deity can never be...