Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Parody, Super Power
The story revolves around the Tama River area based mostly in Kawasaki City Kanagawa where battles are fought between the evil organisation Florsheim and the ally of justice Sunred. The twist is that Sunred referred to most characters familiar with him as Red-san is a rough-talking violent and rude hero while the villains of Florsheim led by General Vamp are for the most part polite...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Martial Arts, School, Shounen, Super Power
Feudal Japan is attacked by beasts called Youi. Ryuudou Yukiatsu a floater and an employee at a bath house has the power of Ayagami The power to find the words behind things which can be used in fighting against the Youi. Thats why the members of a Youi-fighting group Bansha Aratamesho called the Ayashi are looking for Yukiatsu - they want him to become an Ayashi as well. Yukiatsu runs...
Country: China
Genre: Drama
A remote village in the hills of West Hunan where water the most precious resource is carried on strong backs up from the valley below each day as it has for centuries. “Endless Way” follows the struggles of Ah Ming who now must also begin a life of endless labor to bring this almost sacred commodity to his family. We enter their lives at a traditional wedding where Ah Ming is to marry a...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Thriller
The man who wanted to die meets someone he wants to kill! Min-ho always tries to commit suicide. He is in the hospital long term from a brain disorder and suicide attempts when Sang-eob joins his room. Its the man Min-ho would risk his life to find and kill. He has amnesia and is fully paralyzed but Min-ho cant let him off easy. Although Min-ho isnt in the best health he has to live if he...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Parody, Super Power
The second season of Tentai Senshi...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy ; Sci-fi
Shuta Sota Fukushi Saku Shuhei Nomura and Michiru Tsubasa Honda have been best friends since they were kids. Tragedy strikes the friends when during the winter of 2010 Saku dies from a heart attack. After Sakus death Shuta and Michiru become more distant. On the third year anniversary of Sakus death Shuta boards a train in the Enoshima subway. Somehow Shuta travels back in time to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi
In a faraway future mankind lives underground in huge caves unknowing of a world above with a sky and stars.In the small village of Jiha Simon a shy boy who works as a digger discovers a strange glowing object during excavation. The enterprising Kamina a young man with a pair of rakish sunglasses and the passion of a fiery sun befriends Simon and forms a small band of brothers the Gurren...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Military, Sci-Fi, Space
In the future humans are living on colonized planets and are controlled in every aspect of their life by a system of computers. Evolution has resulted in the birth of people with extraordinary powers. This new race is called Mu. Hated and feared by the humans the Mu dream of a place to live in peace: Earth—a mystical far away planet—for humanity had to leave their home long ago as pollution...