Country: Canada
Genre: Short, Animation
A little boy befriends a Snowgoose from from the day of its birth to its adult years. when the Snowgoose reaches its first winter it flies south leaving the boy alone throughout out the whole season but at winters end the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery, Sci-Fi
In a research facility hidden away on a remote island genius programmer Shiki Magata has lived as a recluse for years. She rarely sees guests but associate professor Souhei Saikawa and university student Moe Nishinosono still seek her out. However their meeting is cut short when they are caught up in a locked-room murder mystery.Everything is not as it seems and many secrets are hidden....
Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery
High school student Hajime Kindaichi is the supposed grandson of famous private detective Kosuke Kindaichi. Visiting Hong Kong for a fashion event with Kindaichi our heros girlfriend Miyuki is captured by a stranger in a case of mistaken identity. The journey to save Miyuki itself leads to yet another crime...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery
An aspiring fashion designer is mysteriously able to enter the 1960s where she encounters a dazzling wannabe singer. But the glamour is not all it appears to be and the dreams of the past start to crack and splinter into something...
Country: United States
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller
After a series of murders in motel rooms are connected a cop Dickson heads out on the trail to find a serial killer. He discovers that he signs the motel guest-books with the names of boxers and hence gets a lead on him....