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Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Dub, Magic, Movie, Sci-Fi, Super Power
Welcome to Academy City a futuristic metropolis populated with super-powered students. As the brightest intellectual minds in the city work to complete the worlds first space elevator—a towering spire capable of taking citizens into the heavens—perpetually unlucky Kamijo and nun-in-training Index befriend a talented street musician named Arisa. When the beautiful singer lands a big break...
Genre: Comedy, OVA, School, Seinen, Slice of Life
Following the everyday lives of four high school girls: the flighty Run the reckless Tooru the timid Yuuko and the level-headed Nagi. Mountain of Pancakes — Kitou-sensei injures her hand during class and has to deal with it while Tooru brings cat Tansan to school with her to meet Yutaka and Miho. Later the girls decide to get pancakes at a café where Miho happens to be working facing...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Historical, OVA, Slice of Life
To spend the summer vacation junior high school student Kazuki rides a bullet train to Hiroshima to stay with his aunt. Arriving in Hiroshima his aunt narrates the tragic past of what happened the day the atomic bomb fell. From the aunt who had to overcome a lot of hardships he learns the value of peace and to have the courage to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Dub, Movie
Momo is a young girl who grew up in a big city. However following the premature loss of her father she has to move with her mother to the old family house on a remote island. Here time seems to have stopped: old wooden buildings holy shrines surrounded by trees fields painstakingly carved out from steep hills... and no shopping mall. Needless to say Momo is not too overenthusiastic...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Movie
Momo is a young girl who grew up in a big city. However following the premature loss of her father she has to move with her mother to the old family house on a remote island. Here time seems to have stopped: old wooden buildings holy shrines surrounded by trees fields painstakingly carved out from steep hills... and no shopping mall. Needless to say Momo is not too overenthusiastic...
Country: Japan
Genre: Dementia, ONA
A special follow up version of Mizue Mirais Timbre...
Genre: Fantasy, OVA
A collection of 15 short episodes depicting the magic world of...
Country: Japan
Genre: Dementia, Movie
Yoru no Okite takes us to the sky or to hell to accompany the delirium of a man who is assassinated. A different take on a spirit who is adrift after being murdered. This restless spirit takes us on a surreal journey through death the after life and back to the land of the living...