Genre: Reality-TV
The show follows nine South Wales youngsters as they relocate from the countryside to Cardiff in a bid to achieve their career ambitions. They will all live in a house together with bosses and mentors Jordan and AK trying to keep the cast on track as they struggle to balance their partying with their professional...
Genre: Reality-TV
The show follows nine South Wales youngsters as they relocate from the countryside to Cardiff in a bid to achieve their career ambitions. They will all live in a house together with bosses and mentors Jordan and AK trying to keep the cast on track as they struggle to balance their partying with their professional...
Genre: Reality-TV
The show follows nine South Wales youngsters as they relocate from the countryside to Cardiff in a bid to achieve their career ambitions. They will all live in a house together with bosses and mentors Jordan and AK trying to keep the cast on track as they struggle to balance their partying with their professional...
Genre: Family, Reality-TV
is a competition show where the best of the best singers compete against each other in a competition to be able to be coached by the finest coaches in the music industry. The talent is first seen in a Blind Audition where the coaches are going to have to pick 4 singers who are going to be good for them to coach. Each week an elimation resulting in one person on their team to compete for the title...
Country: France
Genre: Animation, Comedy
The Rabbids are back in their new tv show. The rabbids discovers new things and learn what they do. But that they dont know is that they are...