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Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Music, Romance, Sci-Fi, Police, Anime
Amazing Nuts! is an anthology of four animated shorts with each featuring its own distinct animation style and music by Studio...
Country: Japan
Genre: Science fiction, Anime
In the final episode of the series the decision is made by the galactic council that mankind is irredeemable and that the Earth is to be destroyed. Although Pukko is in favor of this as much as ever Bokko puts off the order as long as possible and eventually decides to disobey the councils decision. However prior to Bokkos decision to disobey her orders Shinichi is appalled at the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Demons, Horror, Super Power, Supernatural, Seinen, Anime
Fear runs rampant throughout Tokyo with the revelation that demons in fact exist amongst us. Paranoia and the darker side of humanity boils onto the streets as people turn on one another suspecting that anyone could in fact be a demon hiding in human clothing. Amidst the growing tensions tragedy strikes Akira causing his mind to snap retreating into his subconscious allowing his Devilish...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Anime
Maico is Japans newest radio DJ. When she is not working she must stave off assassins crazed fans and a couple of office workers as well. She believes she was created just to be the perfect DJ. What she does not know is that she is really a sexdroid — a robot specifically designed for sexual intercourse. However her creator Otari Masudamasu wanted her to be as close to human as possible and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Cyberpunk, Detective, Anime
The story initially starts by dealing with terrorism in an alternate-universe 1990s era where Japan is the largest economy in the world. The communist radical group the Red May are trying to bring down Japans economy and take over the government.In response a government agency the Special Security Force is formed with the ability to act outside the law. However when the Red May suddenly...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Anime
The story opens with the meeting between our hero Kakeru and a mystical pony named Blink. Kakeru saves Blink from a thunder shower and in gratitude Blink tells him that if he is ever in trouble all Kakeru needs to do is call out his name three times and he will appear. At the end of the summer when Kakeru returns home his father a writer of childrens stories is kidnapped. Kakeru weeping...
Country: Japan
Genre: Manga, Anime
Angel Densetsu is a story about Seiichirō Kitano a kind and naive boy with the heart of an angel but the sinister looks of a devil. This paired with his horrible luck and awkward social skills causes many misunderstandings leading people to assume that he is a delinquent or heroin addict and results in a career as the head thug or school guardian at his new...
Country: English
Genre: Anime
The movie opens in New York City in January 1955. Harry Angel Rourke a downtrodden private investigator is contacted by an attorney named Herman Winesap Dann Florek and instructed to meet a client named Louis Cyphre Robert De Niro in a Harlemchurch. He tells Angel about a popular pre-war crooner named John Liebling known as Johnny Favorite who suffered severe neurological trauma...