Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, School, Slice of Life
The anime centers on the members of the real-world four-member male vocal unit Urashimasakatasen. Uratanuki Shima Tonari no Sakata and Senra appear in the shorts as high school...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Dub, Fantasy
Having stood out from others most of her life due to her exceptional character Misato Kurihara has lived without neither the joy of having close friends nor the experience of having a regular life. However after a sudden death she was transported to a divine realm to be reincarnated—and granted one wish to top it off. Thinking about the ordinary life that she had always wanted she wished to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy
Having stood out from others most of her life due to her exceptional character Misato Kurihara has lived without neither the joy of having close friends nor the experience of having a regular life. However after a sudden death she was transported to a divine realm to be reincarnated—and granted one wish to top it off. Thinking about the ordinary life that she had always wanted she wished to...
Country: India
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Two police officers ASP Aditi Sharma the believer and ACP Vikrant Singhal the skeptic investigate strange unsolved cases while unnatural forces impede their...
Country: India
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Two police officers ASP Aditi Sharma the believer and ACP Vikrant Singhal the skeptic investigate strange unsolved cases while unnatural forces impede their...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
Himeko is supposed to be a common high school student... until she happens to obtain a crown and she becomes a princess. Since then Nana the true princess follows her around to take the crown back. In addition Leslie and Caren the thieves appear to rob her of the crown and her peaceful life turns into...