Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Mecha
The series follows the adventures of teenage child prodigy Tony Stark and his alter ego of Iron Man as he uses his technological inventions to stop villains such as Mandarin Mr. Fix and Iron Monger. His friends Jim ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes and Pepper Potts help him on his courageous and dangerous...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Kids, Shounen
A young boy named Ash Ketchum embarks on a journey to become a “Pokemon Master” with his first Pokemon Pikachu. Joining him on his travels are Brock a girl-obsessed Rock Pokemon Trainer and Misty a tomboyish Water Pokemon Trainer who may have a crush on him. Ash and Co. end up traveling through various regions including Kanto the Orange Islands and Johto and then enter the Pokemon...
Country: Japan
The battle between America’s elite military force against the ruthless and power hungry terrorist organization COBRA enters a new chapter. A new covert team of Joes SIGMA 6 has been created to hunt down COBRA and stop each and every one of their insidious plots for world domination. Genres: action adventure comedy science fiction Themes:...
Country: Japan
G.I. Joe is the code name for Americas highly-trained special missions force. Its purpose: to defend human freedom against Cobra a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Super Power
X-men Evolution scales back to the time when our superheroes were still in their teens and unknowingly awaiting a significant adventure that bends their life path... The movie takes its audience back to the sweet memories of the 90s when cartoons were pieces of art that engraved the awesome childhood onto one’s mind. The X-men series was an exceptional anime series at the time with kids...
Country: Japan
Earth’s seven greatest heroes unite against the threat of an alien invasion and decide to remain together to defend Earth against attacking aliens sorcerers super-villains and any other threat that might arise. Among their number are the Martian Manhunter last survivor of Mars; Superman the super-powered last survivor of the planet Krypton; Batman the Dark Knight Detective; Green...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Game, Shounen
Many years in the future after the exploits of Yugi Mutou Domino City has become a shadow of its former self: Neo Domino City. There lies a strong divide between the rich and the poor and bridging that gap proves to be difficult. Neo Domino seems fit to entertain itself with a wild new event called “Riding Duels” the newest form of playing the ever popular Duel Monsters card game. Enter...
Country: Japan
Earth’s seven greatest heroes unite against the threat of an alien invasion and decide to remain together to defend Earth against attacking aliens sorcerers super-villains and any other threat that might arise. Among their number are the Martian Manhunter last survivor of Mars; Superman the super-powered last survivor of the planet Krypton; Batman the Dark Knight Detective; Green...