In the post-apocalyptic aftermath of a war between machines and their creators, machines rule while humans exist in a state of servitude. Titular character Karen leads Resistance Group 11, an eclectic group of humans who find themselves fighting for their lives as they are hunted by the robots in each episode. Is this the end of humanity? Are they fighting a losing battle?Through Karen, we delve into a struggle between right and wrong, between indifference and love that explores some of the deepest questions about humanity. What is the difference between a thinking machine and a human being? What is a soul?
Country: Japan
Genre: Action Anime, Mecha Anime, Mystery Anime, Police Anime, Dub Anime
The scene is Steam City a London-ish city which represents an entire civilization run by coal and steam power. Because of steam the city is sometimes covered in a mist. Villains take advantage of the steamy mist to hide and execute their evil plans. Only a few dare venture into whats beyond the steamy mist. They are known as the Steam Detectives: Narutaki and his convertible all-purpose...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Drama Anime, Dub Anime, Historical Anime, Mecha Anime, Military Anime, Romance Anime, Sho
During Japans Taisho Era 1912-1926 a scientist named Ayanokoji developed the Steel Angel - an artificial humanoid with superhuman physical abilities. While the Imperial Army wanted to use the Steel Angel as a new means of modern warfare Ayanokoji wanted his creation to be a new step in the future of mankind. Thus he defied orders from the Army and secretly made the Steel Angel codenamed...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Mecha Anime, Romance Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Shoujo Ai Anime, Shounen Anime
Taking place 75 years after the first series Steel Angel Kurumi 2 brings the Steel Angels in a new mis-adventure. High school student and aspiring cellist Nako Kagura accidentally discovers and kisses Kurumi Mk. II at her home thus making her Kurumis master. But things go awry as Nakos best friend Uruka gets jealous and tries anything - including her fathers army of top-secret mecha - to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Sci-Fi Anime, Seinen Anime, Thriller Anime
Steins;Gate is set in the summer of 2010 approximately one year after the events that took place in Chaos;Head in Akihabara. Steins;Gate is about a group of friends who have customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments an organization named SERN who has been doing their own research on time travel tracks them down...
Country: Japan
Genre: Military Anime, School Anime, Sports Anime
Yura Yamato has just arrived at the high school division of Stella Womens Academy when Sonora Kashima invites her to join a club called C³. Sonora is the third-year student who became the new head of this club for military survival games. The other members include two second-year students part-Japanese Karila Hatsuse and G36K-wielding Honoka Mutsu and two other new students Rento...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy Anime, School Anime, Slice Of Life Anime
Tamaki Honda a new high school student joins a doujin game development...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Dub Anime
In the new story the alien creature Stitch is running off on the mad scientist Jumbas space scooter when he gets caught in a space storm and has to make an emergency landing at Izayoi Island the southermost tip of Japan. There he meets Yuuna a spirited fourth-grade girl who happens to know karate. Yuuna tells Stitch about the Stone of Chitama a mysterious object that can make any wish...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure Anime, Comedy Anime, Dub Anime, Sci-Fi Anime
In their new adventure Yuuna and Stitch move from their small island Izayoi to the Okinawa main island where Yuuna is supposed to visit a school. A new cast of friends awaits them there as well as a new crisis approaching from...