Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Family, Investigation, Life, Melodrama, School, Suspense, Tragedy
“Beautiful World” tells of an incident of school violence which leaves a young boy on the precipice of life and death as his family seeks for justice in his stead. Park Moo Jin and Kang In Ha is a married couple. Park Moo Jin works as a high school teacher and Kang In Ha runs a bakery. They enjoy their lives with their two children to the fullest but their peaceful days suddenly turn into...
Country: Japan
Genre: Life, Romance, Youth
Cheng Mei Gua Ju Qu Shou Xing Hua and Song Gang are friends who met in a student association in university. Because of love they all had a taste of heartbreak! From students to graduates entering society facing obstacles that revolve around same-sex relationship workplace bullying female autonomy extramarital affairs and May-December romance how do they maintain their friendship and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Friendship, Romance, Supernatural
After his death Met is a ghost that is consumed by loneliness. That is until he meets a strange boy that can see him. The two bond in a state of happiness and joy as they develop into friends. But what happens when Met falls for the boy who is...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Romance
Tor is a love child of a mistress and a wealthy hi-so man. After his mother dies from neglect Tor is forced to live with his father’s family. Abused by his stepmother and stepbrother he turns to the girl-next-door Mingta who also suffers neglect at the hands of her so called mother and sister. One night while being chased by his stepmother Tor jumps into a river and is presumed dead...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Melodrama, Romance
Betrayed by love world-renowned pianist Geng Mochi and popular radio host Bai Kao’er meet under the worst of circumstances. Crossing paths at the funerals of their departed spouses these wounded souls find a rare sort of comfort in each other’s company. Following their hearts to places most unexpected the once jilted lovers find healing is possible even when it seems impossible. But...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Shy Ichitaka has a crush on his high school classmate Iori but ever since she posed for semi-provocative swimsuit photos in a magazine shes had a lot of sleazy guys hitting on her. Ichitakas afraid to make his feelings known in case she thinks hes just another creep. Torn between his physical feelings for Iori and his desire for real love Ichitakas life gets more complicated when his...
Country: Japan
Genre: Detective, Investigation, Mystery
Rekihiko Tokiya is an excellent detective in Kyoto. While chasing a suspect Rekihiko Tokiya falls into a water storage pool at an abandoned factory. He wakes up in a hospital room stunned that he cannot remember anything from the last 20 years. Although he is 51 years old he cannot recall anything past the age of 31 when he first started working as a detective. He is a divorcee but he does...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Will a killer-turned-veterinarian and a detective find a common ground? Kim Soo Hyun is a veterinarian who was once a professional killer. Nobody in the public knows anything about him as a killer including his age name and race. Deep inside he constantly looks for love but struggles to develop and maintain any pure relationships around him. Do Hyun Jin is a brilliant detective working in...