Country: United States
Genre: Horror
Based upon the short story by Edgar Allen...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Onishi Katsuo is a 35-year-old carpenter and former college football player who sees life almost in the same balance as a football game guts and glory along with team spirit. One day he learns that his friend a college football teammate was killed when his house burned down. His friends wife is in a coma and his four kids are now homeless Eguchi has the children live with him in his one...
Country: Japan
Genre: Historical, Drama
The show follows the early years of Japanese warlord hero Oda Nobunaga in the 16th century. As a young man Oda was not seen as the right heir to the Oda clan but through a masterful political marriage arranged by his father Oda Nobunaga not only gained influence he also became the Daimyo who joined the three imperial counties to unite Japan. Source: dramawiki Edit...
Country: Japan
Genre: Romance, Drama
20-year-old university student Anri is chased out of her house when her mother has a new boyfriend. While spending every night at different Internet cafes Anri comes to know about papakatsu and subsequently meets a 45-year-old university lecturer Wataru. Anri then moves into the apartment which Wataru rents for her before finding out about a secret which he has been hiding from her. Papakatsu...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy
Mai used to live in a messy room but now has an obsession with decluttering. She wants to live a Nannimo Nai Lifestyle. However when friends visit they are shocked by her extreme lack of belongings. Her habits also conflict with her mother Fumi and her grandmother Hatsuko who prefer not to throw anything away. Mai finds emotional support from her husband Tsutomu and two cats as she...
Country: India
Genre: Drama, Family
An eight-year-old boy is thought to be a lazy trouble-maker until the new art teacher has the patience and compassion to discover the real problem behind his struggles in...