Genre: Comedy, Drama, School, Shounen, Slice of Life
Onizuka is a reformed biker gang leader who has his sights set on an honorable new ambition: to become the worlds greatest teacher... for the purpose of meeting sexy high school girls. Okay so hes mostly reformed. However strict administrators and a class of ruthless delinquents stand between Onizuka and his goal and they will use any means however illegal or low to drive the new...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Drama, Dub, Seinen, Thriller
Golgo 13 has been called a Japanese counterpart to James Bond except with a darker character a much more hardcore attitude towards sex and a complete lack of morality. Golgo 13 is described as a mystery man of undetermined origin possibility being at least part Japanese who takes any assignment for any employer it has been said he has worked for the CIA and the KGB as long as the right...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Kids
The Gon series features the completely wordless adventures of the irascible title character a tiny fictional dinosaur as he interacts with the natural world. Gon somehow survived the extinction of his fellow dinosaurs and interacts with paleolithic...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Dub, Kids
The Gon series features the completely wordless adventures of the irascible title character a tiny fictional dinosaur as he interacts with the natural world. Gon somehow survived the extinction of his fellow dinosaurs and interacts with paleolithic...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Dub
It all starts when Gokudou steals a pouch from a fortuneteller thinking that it contains a gem. Instead it turns out to be a rock from which emerges Djinn. The genie grants Gokudou the standard three wishes but our anti-hero doesnt think heavily about his wishes. Gokudou does get his wishes though not exactly in the fashion that he expected. The best thing he gets out of his wishes is...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Magic
It all starts when Gokudou steals a pouch from a fortuneteller thinking that it contains a gem. Instead it turns out to be a rock from which emerges Djinn. The genie grants Gokudou the standard three wishes but our anti-hero doesnt think heavily about his wishes. Gokudou does get his wishes though not exactly in the fashion that he expected. The best thing he gets out of his wishes is...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Dub, Mecha, Sci-Fi
Sei lori is a young man who dreams of joining the 7th Gunpla Battle World Championship aiming to follow in the footsteps of his father to become the best Gunpla fighter in the world. Theres just one problem: he has poor battle skills. Sei can build high performing Gunplas but he cant control any of them. To win a battle he will need something more than just his amazing craftsmanship....
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Dub, Ecchi, Shounen
Rushuna is a blonde and very beautiful Senshi gun expert that travels through the world with one purpose. Which is to make the world a peaceful place by instead of fighting with weapons taking away the peoples will to fight by giving them a smile. Although she doesnt want to fight she is forced to and shows amazing gun skills. In this journey she meets Yajirou a mercenary that uses a...