Rokushin Gattai Godmars (1982).
Rokushin Gattai Godmars: Juunanasai No Densetsu
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms I
Romance Of The Three Kingdoms Ii
Royal Space Force: The Wings Of Honneamise (dub)
Royal Space Force: The Wings Of Honneamise (sub)
Sword Art Online Movie: Ordinal Scale - Sword Art Offline
Country: Japan
Genre: Action , Comedy, Anime
A flash anime featuring Airuu the helper cats in the original Monster Hunter...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy,Harem, Comedy, Anime
For years the Japanese government has kept a secret: mythical creatures such as centaurs harpies and lamias are real.[8] Three years before the start of the story the government revealed the existence of these creatures and passed a legal bill the Interspecies Cultural Exchange Act. Since then these creatures known as liminals have become a part of human society living with...
Country: Japan
Genre: Science fiction, Drama, Anime
Gorou Saruwatari and Lostman are mountain climbers who have ascended some of the highest mountains around the world. At the peak of Mount Everest they see the ISA Space Station in the sky above and become determined to go into space. At the same time ISA begins a program to research and obtain a new energy source which has been discovered on the moon. Gorou and Lostman attempt to join the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Business, Sports, Baseball, Anime
The story follows Minami Kawashima who as a favor to her childhood friend Yuki Miyata takes over as manager for the Hodokubo High School Baseball team when Yuki is hospitalized with an illness. With no previous experience managing a team Minami ends up picking up a copy of Peter Druckers business management book Management: Tasks Responsibilities Practices and starts to manage the...
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Anime
The story takes place between August and October 1952. It primarily follows crime fiction writer Tatsumi Sekiguchi and news magazine editor Morihiko Toriguchi as they investigate with the help of onmyōji Akihiko Chūzenji a series of unusual crimes that take place in Musashino and Mitaka.Kanako Yuzuki and Yoriko Kusumoto are friends and middle school students. Kanako and Yoriko plan to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, harem, kaitō, Anime
For 400 years there was a family of thieves stealing money and priceless property particularly those items that were originally illegally stolen. The main motivation is that anything and everything can be stolen no matter how much they protect that item. And in those years that thief was only known by one name Mouse.In the latest version a young college art teacher named Muon Sorata is the...
Country: Canada
Genre: Action, Thriller
Suspicious of the official answers to an oil rig disaster Ellie Molaro Robertson investigator with the National Transportation Safety Board spearheads a private investigation with a...
Country: United States
Genre: Game-Show
Two families compete by trying to outguess the opponents about survey...