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Genre: Drama
Single divorced lawyer Jess Gradwell returns in this sequel as she tries to raise her new three-year-old son Jake while dealing with her teenage daughter Saras growing carnal desires with a photographer she meets while planning her high school graduation. It all comes to a head when Jess former flame and father of Jake Alex Lofton returns never knowing he has a son out of his and Jess...
Genre: Drama
Young Musa is orphaned after a mysterious illness strikes his village in KwaZulu Natal. To help his grandmother Musa sets out for Johannesburg with his fathers last gift a tribal drum in search of work and his uncle. The journey confronts him with the stark realities of urban life but his indomitable spirit never wavers; he returns with a truth and understanding his elders have failed to...
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
A couple of people steal the daughter of a famous lawyer. Now they want money to give her back but its not just the money they want. They want...
Genre: Drama
In 1950 a Hungarian couple Peter and Margit are forced to flee from the oppressive communist country for the USA with their eldest daughter Maria but are forced to leave behind their infant daughter Suzanne who is raised by kindly foster couple. 6 years later Peter and Margit arrange for the American Red Cross to bring Suzanne to their new home in Los Angeles where the perplexed youth is...
Live BBC coverage of the One Love Manchester benefit concert at Lancashire County Cricket...
Genre: Action | Thriller
When a senior Russian official Gen. Marenkov decides to defect to the west CIA agent Harry Wargrave is sent to lead the team to get him out. Malenkov reveals that the Russians are trying to develop biological weapons. Wargrave decides that Malenkov should travel across Europe by train on the Atlantic Express in an attempt to try and lure the Russians into attacking the train so that they...
Genre: Drama | Thriller
After a suspicious fatal car accident in Hastings where the identity of the victim was forged the Quality Life insurance company sends their smart investigator Abe Holt to identify the body. The unique beneficiary of the one million dollars death benefit is the sister of the victim Isold who lives with her son Thor and her husband Fred in a poor cabin in the middle of nowhere. Along the...
Genre: Adventure | Family
Based on a true-story - A Plumm Summer tells the remarkable tale of two young brothers Elliott and Rocky Plumm who go head-to-head with the FBI in order to crack the frog-napping case and get their beloved TV puppet Froggy Doo back on the air all the while become local heroes and best...