Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Anime
Tokyo has sunk into the ocean along with most of the world during a large-scale land subsidence. Aika Sumeragi is asalvager who works for a small company run by a father and daughter tandem. Alas the company isnt exactly successful and money is needed desperately. Thus Aika accepts the very dangerous job of acquiring an artifact called Lagu for a hefty sum. The boss daughter Rion...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Anime
Aikas story continues she is now 19 years-old 3 years older than in R-16 and 7 younger than in Agent AIKa. Strange phenomena have been occuring at a girls academy. Slowly but persistently the most cute and beautiful girls are joining an internal club but instead of a sing-in they just get abducted by a strange being that takes control over them by some indecent means. By coincidence Aika was...
Genre: Crime
Its amazing the things that you can inherit from your family gene pool: blue eyes a beautiful smile a winning personality. But what about your familys less desirable traits? A grandfathers talent for swindling an aunts knack for aggravated assault or even a fathers flair for murder....can you actually inherit evil from your family tree? EVIL KIN begs this question as well as whether...
Genre: Crime
Its amazing the things that you can inherit from your family gene pool: blue eyes a beautiful smile a winning personality. But what about your familys less desirable traits? A grandfathers talent for swindling an aunts knack for aggravated assault or even a fathers flair for murder....can you actually inherit evil from your family tree? EVIL KIN begs this question as well as whether...
Genre: Crime
Its amazing the things that you can inherit from your family gene pool: blue eyes a beautiful smile a winning personality. But what about your familys less desirable traits? A grandfathers talent for swindling an aunts knack for aggravated assault or even a fathers flair for murder....can you actually inherit evil from your family tree? EVIL KIN begs this question as well as whether...
Country: United States
Genre: Talk-Show
This popular and long-running morning talk show owes much of its success to the chemistry between its two hosts Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa. Although the format is not significantly...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Romance
Strawberry 100% chronicles the school years of Junpei Manaka a high school student and aspiring movie director and his relationships with the girls that enter his life. At the start of the series he encounters a mysterious girl with strawberry-print panties whom he quickly becomes intrigued with. Hoping to find her he finds the notebook of Aya Toujou nearby who turns out to be an...