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If you enjoy this movie, please consider sharing it with your friends. Thank you!
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Romantic comedy
Based on a shounen manga by Takenashi Eri serialised in Comic REX.Our unlucky protagonist Jin uses the trunk of a sacred tree to carve a statue for a school project. When he takes it outside to his surprise it begins absorbing the surrounding earth and transforms into hold your breath on this one a girl! So like all similar setups this guardian deity is pretty pissed that her tree was cut...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Romantic comedy
Based on a shounen manga by Takenashi Eri serialised in Comic REX.Our unlucky protagonist Jin uses the trunk of a sacred tree to carve a statue for a school project. When he takes it outside to his surprise it begins absorbing the surrounding earth and transforms into hold your breath on this one a girl! So like all similar setups this guardian deity is pretty pissed that her tree was cut...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy, Harem, Romantic comedy, Supernatural
Kanokons story revolves around Kouta Oyamada an extremely innocent young first-year high school student who moves from the country to the city and thus transfers to Kunpō High School. On his first day at his new school he meets a beautiful second-year female student named Chizuru Minamoto. Chizuru asks him to meet her alone in the music room. When he arrives she tells him that she is in love...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy, Harem, Romantic comedy, Supernatural
Kanokons story revolves around Kouta Oyamada an extremely innocent young first-year high school student who moves from the country to the city and thus transfers to Kunpō High School. On his first day at his new school he meets a beautiful second-year female student named Chizuru Minamoto. Chizuru asks him to meet her alone in the music room. When he arrives she tells him that she is in love...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life
This is the anime adaptation of Kantoku Fuyuki Todoki Insufficient Direction the first essay manga by the queen of the manga world Moyoco Anno. The comedic and heartwarming autobiographical story follows her everyday married otaku lifestyle with Hideaki Anno the founder of the otaku...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Anime
A young man named Watashi upon passing by a pet shop on his way home happens upon a water Kappa in the window which he buys names Kaatan and is determined to raise as a pet. Never having owned a kappa before he relies on a book that specializes in information on how to raise and train kappa. However Kaatan is harder to train than it immediately seems and a lot of patience...
Country: Japan
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Thriller
The dark-haired bishounen is Sakon Tachibana a puppeteer and the other is Ukon his favorite puppet and best friend. Sakon is the only grandson of Saemon Tachibana a national treasure of Japan famous for his manipulation of Bunraku puppets. Ukon is a child doll puppet made in the early Meiji era by the famous female dollmaker Unosuke. Together they run into murders and solve...
Country: Japan
Genre: Animation, Action
500 years ago in the Tensho Era of Japan a man was born who defied the will of a demon; a man who had gods of good on his side; a man destined to battle evil....his name was Kabuto. Somehow Kuroyasya Douki the vile Black Night Demon escaped his prison in hell and returned to the earthly plane to wreak vengeance on the family-line of Kabuto. None can escape his deadly magic and masterful...