Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
The story developed with the cooperation of the International Mathematical Olympiad in Japan is set at a specialized math school where Michishige and Tanaka both take on the roles of “suugaku joshi” “math girls”. Naturally the show will incorporate various mathematical functions and formulas into the story and dialogue. Kazuki Sato Dori Sakurada a hater of math is transferred to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Akira Suzuki Hiroki Hasegawa is the home room teacher for 2-A. After graduating from college Akira Suzuki did not work for 3 years. Instead he spent his time thinking about ways to solve problems once he works as a teacher. Because of this Akira Suzuki has a knack to solve problems and the principle trusts him. Mr. Suzuki always listens to his students problems and gives them creative...
Country: South Korea
Genre: action, romance
This novel-based story revolves mainly around four people who are drawn to Seogwipo Jeju for a project. Kim Jung Woo and Lee Soo Hyun first met when they were children but lost track of each other for numerous years. Years later when Jung Woo meets Soo Hyun he falls in love with her but his feelings are not reciprocated. Soo Hyun doesnt realize until much later that shes drawn to Jung Woo as...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
When Kim Bom Song Ha Yoon was young she had a hard time due to her smart siblings. She couldn’t get any attention from her family or those around her. Now Kim Bom runs Sweden Laundry. Kim Bom possesses supernatural powers allowing her to read her client’s worries through their laundry. With her powers she tries to solve their...
Country: South Korea
Genre: Drama
The concept of an arranged marriage is often difficult to accept especially amongst less traditional adolescents today. Sweet 18 Nang Rang 18 Seh covers this very premise and the story begins when Kwon Hyuk-joons grandfather the head of the traditional Kwon family agrees to an arranged marriage between his grandson Lee Dong Gun and Yoon Jung-sook Han Ji Hye when Yoon Jung-sook is born....
Country: Taiwan
Genre: Comedy, romantic
Starting from a seemingly pointless case of a puppys accidental death from eating chocolate the essentially incompatible pair unexpectedly digs up the clues to a series of mysterious...
Country: Taiwan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Chiba is a Grim Reaper a supernatural being who closely watches someone who is about to die in a sudden and unexpected way. No illnesses no suicides: a Reapers job is to decide if the upcoming appointment with death should be marked in the agenda as “proceed†or “suspendâ€. “Suspend†means that the person will survive for now and is only granted when a...
Country: Taiwan
Genre: Romance
The story revolves around two polar opposites who wouldnt have met if it hadnt been for luck. Chang Bai Hui Patty Hou is a simple girl with extraordinary taste when it comes to food and dining. She could tell the difference between fine dining and a poor cooked meal in an instant. Ever since she was little food has been the center of her world. It celebrated her college graduation and...