Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Anime
Adapted from the popular storybooks of the same name by Yutaka Hara Kaiketsu Zorori follows the adventures of a scheming fox named Zorori who is determined to become the King of Mischief with his very own castle and beautiful bride. Although Zorori is notorious for his pranks and tricks his conniving plots often backfire and end up helping his targets and despite appearing to be villainous...
Country: Japan
Genre: Sport, Anime
Tanaka rejoint le club de football de même que son idole Yoshiharu Kubo joue pendant au Kakegawa High School. Lorsque Toshi joué en premier cycle du secondaire avec deux de ses amis Kenji Shiraishi et Kazuhiro Hiramatsu ils étaient connus comme le trio dor Kakenishi. Maintenant au lycée ses amis ne veulent pas ou ne peut plus jouer au foot. Hiramatsu est obligé détudier par son père...
Country: Japan
Genre: Detective fiction, Comedy, Anime
Detective School Q is the story of a group of young students from Class Q of Dan Detective School DDS a prestigious and renowned detective academy founded by Morihiko Dan the most famous detective in Japan and the adventures and mysteries they unfold and solve together. They eventually work against Pluto a mysterious organization which creates almost fool-proof plans that only a handful...
Country: Japan
Genre: Role-playing, Anime
In Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger the player controls a set of characters closely following the role-playing video game genre. The methods of viewing and controlling the characters are separated by three different screens: the overworld where the characters traverse to different locations; the field map where the characters explore locations such as towns and dungeons; and the...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Mecha, Sci-Fi, Space
Humanitys pursuit of knowledge leads them to the planet Solo where they find mysterious remains of a long dead alien civilization including the 3 part super robot Ideon and a powerful warship. Using these the Earthlings sent to investigate the ruins defend themselves in their constant conflicts against powerful aliens called the Buff Clan who are in pursuit of Id the mysterious energy...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Magic, Romance, Shounen, Anime
In the peaceful life of modern Japan Shaorin and Tasuke explore their relationship amid familiar interventions and new challenges. Shaorin begins to discover why she chose to stay with Tasuke and Tasuke begins to learn the depth of his love toward...
Country: Japan
Genre: Action, horror fiction, Anime
Devilman is about a teenager named Akira Fudo. At first Akira is very shy modest and gentle trying to avoid conflict. When his parents are lost on a business trip in the Arctic Akira goes to stay with his childhood friend Miki Makimura and her family mother father and bratty kid brother Tare. Both soon form a close relationship. Miki a tough smart self-sufficient girl loves Akira...
Country: Japan
Genre: Slice of life, Anime
Domos favorite food is Japanese-style meat and potato stew and he has a strong dislike for apples because of an unexplained mystery in his DNA. Domo can only communicate via producing a low-pitched noise which sounds somewhat like his own name but other characters appear to understand him. Domo is known to pass gas repeatedly when nervous or...