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Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Anime
3×3 Eyes follows the adventures of Pai the last remaining Sanjiyan Unkara 三只眼 吽迦羅 lit. triclops? and her new Wu Chinesereading of 无; an immortal companion Yakumo as they desperately try to find a way to make Pai human so that she can forget her troubled past. Pai travelled to Tokyo searching for the artifact but shortly after she...
Country: Japan
Genre: Anime
The movie is set in the near-future in a large underground prison at a former nuclear test site in Utah known as Neo Purgatory where the characters of Maki Fumiko Orikasa Naomi Michiko Neya Doris Akemi Okamura Marilyn Mayumi Asano and Katherine Yuri Shiratori make up an all-female mercenary outfit called the Guard of Rose and acting as a guard patrol. The prisoners many of whom...
Country: Canada, Japan
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Family, Fantasy
A boy wants to be the best in ranking of an inter-dimensional...
Country: Canada, Japan
Genre: Action
Follows human battle brawlers who wield creatures called Bakugan in a parallel-dimension battle that shifts into our...