Country: United States
Genre: N/A
After the tragic and untimely passing of her father Rebecca soon found herself heir to the familys historic estate. Eager to renovate the centuries-old farmhouse Rebecca and her family...
Country: United States
Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
A family moves to a suburban town only to be coerced into joining a suspicious...
Country: Japan
Genre: Fantasy, Movie
Yobi The Five Tailed Fox revolves around a kumiho a nine-tailed fox that can assume different forms including human. Kumiho are familiar figures in Korean folk tales and they are usually depicted as magical creatures that take female form to lure and prey on humans. This time however our protagonist is a young kind-hearted fox with only five tails instead of nine.After losing her family to...
Country: Japan
Genre: Adventure, Kids, Movie
The stars in the sky seem to maintain the remote eternal order which earthbound souls can hardly hope to attain as it would take exceptional energy to transform oneself from an earthly creature into a brightly shining star. However the ugly nighthawk who had experienced great hardship being despised by fellow birds managed to convert that hardship into enormous energy to fly up to heaven and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Special
DVD/BD specials for Yojouhan Shinwa...