Country: Japan
Genre: Mystery, Romance, Drama
Toshiro proposes to his girlfriend of three years Akiko but Akiko disappears the next day leaving the engagement ring behind. This story is split into two perspectives: Toshiro tracking down his vanished fiancée and the truth behind Akikos hidden...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Life
Toshi-chan and BB live in a hut with a blue sheet on the banks of the Tama River. Having lived there for several years they are familiar with the area. The two of them gather cans across town from 4 am in the morning and sleep at 7 pm in order to save money on electricity at night. While they do not have substantial income they are not particularly concerned about money. They are carefree each...
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Political
In 2023 in Tokyo Prime Minister Higashiyama Eiichi pushes for COMS at the World Environment Conference. COMS is a method to liquify pollutants and store it in the crack of the sea floor. Prime Minister Higashiyama gathers young and talented bureaucrats and launches Japan Future Promotion Conference which is to benefit the future of Japan. Amami Keishi of the Ministry of the Environment and...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Life, Mature
Sequel to Raise de wa Chanto Shimasu 2020. Omori Momoe is twenty-seven-years-old single and works at Studio Delta. She is thin and attractive. She should be courting suitors and taking her pick of the crop. Well actually she does. She is having sex despite being single. In fact she is making herself available sexually to five different men. to her it is just a disposable and habitual object...
Country: Japan
Genre: Thriller, Romance, Drama
Due to her husbands work Maiko moves with her husband to Tokyo from Hiroshima. They live in an apartment offered by her husbands company. Her husband is busy with work and comes home late every night. Maiko beings to talk with Futaba who lives next door to her. Futaba is her husbands boss. They talk with each other from their porches. One day Maiko learns that her husband is having an...
Country: Japan
Genre: Tokusatsu, School
Gosei School has a long history. The principal of the school is highly ambitious and he tries to achieve his goals by using supernatural majin powers. Six students go up against the principal. The students are Manaka Taisei Domon Ryuhei Takigawa Yusuke Oura Hyuma Morimura Naoya and Sakurai...
Country: Japan
Genre: Crime, Drama
The Earth has descended into a new ice age of -45 degrees Celsius. At the evacuation center dozens of people who have fled live on the edge of their lives. In a world where civilization has collapsed money and status have no meaning and every blanket and canned food is sought after values have changed drastically. Humanity is faced with an extreme situation where only those with a strong...
Country: Japan
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family
A 65-year-old salaryman Etsuki Tomokazu who is approaching retirement comes home one day to hear a shocking declaration from his wife Yuko who is near 70 “I’m pregnant!” The couple struggle with whether to have the child given the physical risk of having a baby at such a late stage in life. As first-time parents they fail and go back and forth for everything in an antenatal class with...